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new 32mm plossl eyepieces 1.25 inch for all telescopes with 1.25 inch compatibility


Good finder eyepiece well on deep sky like galaxies nebulas,star clusters ..A 32mm Plössl is a must for every telescope as manufacturers do not give it along with telescopes and need to be bought separately.


The eyepiece is an integral part of any compound visual system. Its purpose is to magnify the real image formed by an objective or intermediate relay system. For this reason, the eyepiece design affects the magnification, image brightness, field flatness, and aberrations of these systems.

Huygenian:This design consists of two plano-convex lenses with both plano surfaces facing the eye. These offer lateral color correction and diminished coma for a flat field. Not typically used with a reticle because the image plane is between the two lenses. Often used in economical systems.

Ramsden:These eyepieces consist of two plano-convex lenses with the plano surfaces facing away from each other. Lateral color is not fully corrected because the focal plane is external, but this does allow this design to be used with a reticle.

Kellner:This design improves on the Ramsden by replacing the eye lens with an achromat, leading to better color correction. These offer a very sharp, bright field at low/medium powers, but very short eye-relief at short focal lengths (high power). A substitution of a double-convex lens for the plano-convex lens is not uncommon.

Orthoscopic:This design consists of a triplet field lens with a single element (plano-convex) eye lens. It offers excellent sharpness, color correction, and contrast. It also improves on Kellner's design by yielding relatively long eye-relief. Orthoscopic eyepieces have moderate apparent fields.

Plõssl:Also known as symmetric eyepieces, they are composed of two achromats (crowns facing each other). Plössl eyepieces offer long eye-relief and a superior field of view to that of the orthoscopic. They do fall short of the orthoscopic design in distortion, however.

Erfle:This design is extremely popular in wide-field applications. Erfle eyepieces usually consist of 5 or 6 elements and offer a long eye-relief but relatively short working distance. The distortion (for similar angular fields) is comparable to that of the orthoscopic.

new 32mm plossl Galaxy deep sky eyepieces 1.25 inch for all telescopes with 1.25


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